Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Savage Child (Dr Who fan fiction)

The Doctor finished landing the TARDIS.

"We should be right outside of Birmingham, around 2015. It should be nice outside"

As the Doctor opened the door of the TARDIS, he saw mere inches from his face the barrel of a familiar weapon, not of Earth.  A staser, similar to those used by the guard on Gallifrey.

"Um hello there..."

"Why have you this stolen TARDIS?  It belongs to the President."

"I assure this TARDIS is mine.  I've had her for a VERY long time. Now to verify my coordinates, where am I ?"

"You are outside of Birmingham, Alabama, United States.  The year is 2015.  And you don't look ANYTHING like the owner of this TARDIS.  He wore a long coat, a rainbow scarf, and had brown curly hair."

"How does a human like you, on Earth, have a Gallifreyan weapon, are completely aware of what a TARDIS is, and seem to know one of my prior incarnations?  I don't remember you at all."

"Maybe we should sit down for tea, and sort this.  What happened to the Doctor?"

"I AM the Doctor. Who are you?"

"My name is Miles Sevateem.  My parents sent me here to Earth to await rescue by you when the Daleks attacked Gallifrey.  I've been here about 15 years local time."


Over a plate of hot wings, the Doctor and  Miles took the time to talk about the Time War and the aftermath.  Miles updated the Doctor on what his mother, Leela, and his father, Andred did in the time after the Sontaran invasion, and before the Time War.  They had two kids, Miles, and his sister Lalla.  At the start of the war, to ensure a chance of survival, they put their kids off Gallifrey out of the way, equipping them to be able to fight against the various threats to Gallifrey.  Not only with weapons, but with learning.

After the time war started, contact was lost.  Leela and Andred were missing.


"Mistress," the robotic voice called out.  "What are your instructions? "

"I don't know K-9.  Gallifrey is GONE.  This world we are on is completely cut off.  The stars do not look familiar."

"Leela, the craft power cells are damaged, so we are stuck here until we get rescued.  We do have plenty of food."

"Andred, is there a way to call anyone friendly for help, without calling the enemy by mistake?  That collision with the Dalek ship killed a lot of our people."

"I'll try... survival is a little more immediate, but we got that handled love."